Providing expert business support services since 1997


Training is Paramount.


In the world of Federal Government procurement, training is paramount. The Government mandates specific compliance requirements that are generally not necessary in commercial business operations. The compelling factor for many business concerns is the significant costs associated with continuous learning requirements and performance specific training. The problem is compounded even further, if you consider the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, which predicts 2010 to be the year that the domestic market will encounter the greatest shortage of skilled labor in our countries history. 

So in an environment of declining skilled labor and increasing regulation, what is the overall cost to businesses?  When you consider processing costs, replacement hiring costs, orientation, loss of productivity, and the impact on morale - a conglomerate of market research firms agree that it is roughly 35% of the employees first year's salary!  At an average wage of $40,000, that equates to a cost of no less than $14,000/year for the sake of organic on-the-job training, where the quality and timeliness of the training is hardly value-added.

Do your business, employees, and productivity rates a favor. Enroll in the training opportunities Fed Biz Solutions provides. You will have quality instruction from professionals engaged in government procurement for upwards of 25+ years, dedicated question and answer sessions, and a forum to relay customer specific concerns to industry professionals – all at a fraction of the cost you're already paying with in-house attempts.